
Strengthen Online Learning As 50% Of Classroom Time Already Lost In 2021
Online School, Brainline, has called for the strengthening of online learning amid reports that learners have already lost 50% of classroom time this year alone.

Low Quintile Schools Struggling Due To Pandemic
Some of the most profound impacts of COVID-19 have been the closure of schools, the inability to continue regular on-site coaching of teachers, and monitoring programme implementation on the ground.

Loreto School Queenswood
We grow children for life.

Brainline: Students Allowed To Write Exams From Home
Online School, Brainline, is breaking ground again this time as the first online school in South Africa to bring online invigilation to their learners, allowing them to write their tests and examinations from the comfort of their own home.

Practical Tips For Developing Your Child’s Social And Emotional Skills
The more a child grows and begins to understand the world around them, the more complex developmental progress becomes.

Christ Church Preparatory School And College: Easter Celebrations
Easter is a very special time for our school, one of the main celebrations of our faith. Christ died for our sins, and is risen!

IEB Matric Results
A testimony of the efficacy of online learning and Brainline’s top performers who continue to shine.

Is A University Degree Still Worth It?
Amid mounting tuition fees and a global pandemic, parents and students may be reconsidering the value of a higher education.

A World Education For South African Students
A university education, at a top international institution with leading research groups, lecturers and students from around the world is a powerful starting point for future changemakers.

Looking Beyond The Ivy League
For young South Africans wanting to make it big on a global scale, attending a university in the United States, Europe or the United Kingdom can ensure success in a much shorter time.

What Parents Need To Know About Registering For Home Schooling
As many parents are still weighing education options for their children due to the delay in the reopening of schools, home education provider, Brainline, says registering for online schooling has never been easier.

Preparing For The Future Now
With so much uncertainty on what the future holds, our focus should be on the present.

Opportune Time To Prioritise Online Learning As Primary Method Of Education In South Africa
Distance Educator, Brainline, says the postponement of the reopening of schools should signify the importance to prioritise online learning as the primary method of learning in the country.

Virtual School Will Not Be Affected By Second Covid-19 Wave
Distance Educator, Brainline, says its online school will start virtually and uninterrupted on 25 January as planned.

Marist Brothers Linmeyer Primary School
On Tuesday, 1st December 2020, Marist Brothers Linmeyer Primary School hosted the Grade 7 Valediction Mass and a Prize Giving Ceremony.

Marist Brothers Linmeyer
School news.

Sparking Student Curiosity Through Real-World Experiences
The value of education is centred on making a significant and lasting difference in the way learners are grown, nurtured and prepared for both the present and the future.

Gr 12’s Sitting For Their Final Exams Should Receive Support To Cope With Examination Related Stress
Close to a million matric learners will start their final exams later this week.

Marist Brothers Linmeyer Primary School Announcement
Marist Brothers Linmeyer Primary School announced the 2021 Johannesburg Mini Councillors.

Marist Brothers Linmeyer Celebrate Their Valediction Ceremony
On Thursday, 8th October 2020, Grade 12 students from Marist Brothers Linmeyer celebrated their Valediction Ceremony.