BD Human Resources - Business Media MAGS - A leader in industry-related B2B magazines, current, relevant informative content

BD Human Resources

There is little doubt that the human resources (HR) landscape is undergoing significant change and development, particularly as culture shifts and digital transformation combine to drive forward a new and exciting era of HR. From a cultural perspective, employees today have new focuses. We also now know that company culture is only strengthened by diversity, and South Africa places a high premium on diversity and female representation throughout organisations, most especially within senior leadership.

A modern workplace needs a diversified staff complement that includes employees from different generations – Gen X, Gen Z and Millennials – who each have their own approaches to work and their specific skill sets. Therefore, recruiting for the modern workplace has vastly different rules and mindsets. Our new normal is not only characterised by more inclusive strategies and spaces, but is also evolving to recognise the importance of the “human” in “human resources”. In this issue of Human Resources, we share great insights from professionals within the human capital space and hope it raises the right questions and considerations for our new modern workplace.

Rodney Weidemann, Editor.

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