Mining Operators May Face Significant Changes Arising From Draft Mine Health And Safety Amendment Bill - Business Media MAGS

SA Mining PR

Mining Operators May Face Significant Changes Arising From Draft Mine Health And Safety Amendment Bill

By Kate Collier, Partner at Webber Wentzel.

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy published the Draft Mine Health and Safety Amendment Bill together with an invitation to interested and affected parties to comment on the anticipated changes.

Aspects that will be of particular interest to employers include the proposed increase to the value of fines that may be imposed, increased direct involvement of executives required, and changes to the duty of care surrounding training and the formulation of training programmes, among others.

The mining health and safety experts at Webber Wentzel are preparing commentary on the proposed changes sharing insights on the significance and impact of the amendment bill which will be circulated in the coming days.

Written submissions will be accepted by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy until 29 July 2022 by hand delivery, email, or post.

Kate Collier

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