Business Day Youth Day - Business Media MAGS

Business Day Youth Day

Business Day Youth Day

Business Day Youth Day As we commemorate 46 years in 2022 of the 16 June uprising, we reflect on the challenges our youth still face today. High unemployment numbers, exacerbated poverty levels, limited access to funding for entrepreneurial endeavours, and continued challenges accessing quality further-study programmes. These are just some of what plagues the youth... Read more »

Business Day Youth Day

As we commemorate 46 years in 2022 of the 16 June uprising, we reflect on the challenges our youth still face today. High unemployment numbers, exacerbated poverty levels, limited access to funding for entrepreneurial endeavours, and continued challenges accessing quality further-study programmes.

These are just some of what plagues the youth today, but despite all this, we have seen great resilience and an innovative spirit among our youth. We showcase some of this spirit in this year’s issue of Youth and highlight the efforts of organisations working to support our youth and combat some of the challenges they face.

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